We are the Upper Manya Krobo District Assembly (UMKDA) established under the

Ministry of Local Government and Rural Development (MLGRD) of the Republic of

Ghana in 2018 by L.I 2305 of 2017 in accordance with the Local Government Act, 2016, Act 936 with Asesewa as the District Capital. The District is poised for industrialization which is underpinned by modern agriculture, education and research. 

The Client Service Charter has been developed pursuant to the Service Delivery Standards of the Local Government Service and in accordance to best international practices in local governance, taking into consideration the needs of our numerous and diverse clients. Our Charter lets us know what you can expect in your dealings with us or when you contact us, including our services standards, and outlines how you can help us continue to meet your expectations in our delivery of services. 


A safe, Prosperous and Responsive Model District 



To improve the quality of life of the people and the environment through efficient resource mobilization and sound development administration. 


In order to improve service delivery and in line with the Local Government Service Delivery Standard, the Upper Manya Krobo District Assembly ascribes to the following:

  1. Participation
  2. Professionalism
  3. Client Focus
  4. Transparency
  5. Efficient and effective use of resource
  6. Accountability



  • Controlling, regulating, inspecting, supervising, licensing of premise upon which any profession, occupation, trade, or business is carried on.
  • Issuance of Building permits.
  • Birth & Death registration.
  • Issuance of Business operating licenses.
  • Approval of planning schemes/layouts.
  • Development Control i.e. orderly physical development of settlements.  Waste management.  Revenue mobilization  Fixing of rates.
  • Provision of basic socio-economic infrastructure with gender mainstreaming including Schools, Markets, water, Lorry parks, institutional Toilets and Roads.
  • Development, improvement and management of human settlements and the environment in the District.
  • Collaborate with the relevant National and Local security Agencies to maintain security and public safety.
  • Promote justices by ensuring ready access to courts.
  • Social welfare of the vulnerable.


3.1 All Departments, Units and Agencies must, as a minimum, meet the following service standards:

3.1.1 Serve citizens promptly and courteously at all service delivery points;

3.1.2 Provide friendly and helpful service;

3.1.3 Help service users make the right choices in accessing services;

3.1.4 Provide appropriate signage and information desks;

3.1.5 Answer calls promptly;

3.1.6 Respond to queries and complaints promptly;

3.1.7 Respond to mail and email correspondence promptly;

3.1.8 Resolve customer complaints fairly, consistently and promptly; and 

3.1.9 Encourage service users to make suggestions on how to better the services offered.


3.2 We shall strive to provide the following services within the specified time frame:


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